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Warranties   : 12 months
Delivery        : within 4 days of receipt of purchase order to any location in India.
Include          : Operation Manual

Price available on enquiry


Why bacterial treatment is required in the Sewage Pumping Station?

When the ex-situ bacteria are being added into the system, the bacteria reverses the process of putrefaction and therefore reduces the amount of H2S production. H2S when reacts with moisture produces H2SO4, which is highly corrosive and hence corrode the machinery in the system. By reducing the amount of H2S production due to the addition of bacteria, will help to avoid the corrosion of the machinery and hence wear & tear in the system will reduce to great extent.

Putrefactive types of microorganisms emits foul odour. By adding bacteria into the system, the process moves towards the fermentation process and therefore reduces the odour in the system.

H2S is very dangerous to human life. When inhale in large concentration can cause to even death. By addition of these bacterial cultures into the system, H2S production will reduce in the sewer line as well as in manholes and hence reduces the risk to life.

Due to the free flowing sewage in the drain line, the heavy matter gets settled at the bottom of the line and hence reduces the overall volume of the drain line. By addition of bacterial cultures, the amount of organic silt will get reduce to great extent as the ex-situ bacterial cultures have the capability of digesting the organic particles present in the sewage.

The bacterial cultures added into the system will degrade the organic matter by certain biochemical reaction and hence the total organic load (i.e BOD) going to STP will get reduce to 5-10% (at PST) and app. 10-15% at the outlet (at FST).

If the multiple stage pumping is being done then due to the increased retention time of sewage through the drain lines, the overall quality of effluent will get improve and influent of much better quality will be delivered to the STP'S.

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